The European Ceramic Society


Stuijts Award

Stuijts Award

In memory of Prof. A. Leo Stuijts (1922-1982), who contributed considerably to the development of the science and technology of magneto- and electro-ceramic materials.

This award is given to ceramists belonging to a member country of the Society for outstanding contributions to ceramic science, technology and educational activities or production.

List of scientists who received the Stuijts Award.

Richard Brook Award

Richard Brook Award

This award honours Sir Richard Brook, distinguished fellow of ECerS and past editor of the Journal of ECerS, in recognition of all he has contributed to the Society.

The Richard Brook award is given to a ceramist belonging to a country outside Europe for outstanding contribution to ceramic science or technology and for enhancing understanding and collaboration within the international ceramic community.

List of ceramists who received the Richard Brook Award (International Prize).

Young Scientist Award

Young Scientist Award

The early career award shall be given every second year to a person under 40 years of age (at the date of the nomination) by reason of outstanding contributions to the ceramic sciences.

The person shall have performed the majority of the work in a European research institution and been a member of a national ceramic organization that is affiliated to the European Ceramic Society at least two years continuously at the established nomination deadline date when nominated.

List of scientists who received the Young Scientist Award.

Gian Nicolas Babini (Industrial) Award

Gian Nicolas Babini (Industrial) Award

This award honours Gian Nicola Babini, who served as President of the European Ceramic Society for two terms (1993/1995 and 2001/2005).

The Gian Nicolas Babini Award (ECerS industrial award) shall be given every second year to a person who contributed to the development of the European Ceramic Industry by an outstanding technical achievement. The achievement must represent an innovative technology or product successfully developed into a viable commercial item that demonstrates a gain to society through its diffusion and availability.

List of scientists who received the Gian Nicolas Babini Award.

Latest news

Next Deadline to apply to the JECS Trust is 31st May 2025

Please note that the decisions of the JECS Trust board will not be known before end of July 2025. Activities submitted for the deadline of 31st May 2025 for support from the JECS Trust should then not begin before August 2025.

Mar 13, 2025
12th March - International Day of Ceramics!

Dear Ceramic Community,

We are pleased to announce that March 12, 2025, marks the first-ever International Day of Ceramics!

Mar 12, 2025


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ECerS coordinates and promotes the study of ceramics through the following actions :

ECerS office

Av. Gouverneur Cornez , 4

7000 Mons


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