The European Ceramic Society
Become a member
If you are from one of the European member countries or from one of the associated countries, please contact the representative of your country in order to become a member of that society. Once you become a member, you will automatically be considered as a member of ECerS.
If you are not from one of the member countries, please fill in the membership form.
The fees for Individual Members are of
- Regular: 50 €
- Students: 30 €
- Lifetime: 1000 € (covering 20 years in average)
If you represent any National, European or non European body active in the ceramic community, such as: University, Research Centre, Educational Organization, Agency for R&D, private Companies etc., and you want to join us as Associated member, please fill in the membership form.
Latest news
Next Deadline to apply to the JECS Trust is 31st May 2025
Please note that the decisions of the JECS Trust board will not be known before end of July 2025. Activities submitted for the deadline of 31st May 2025 for support from the JECS Trust should then not begin before August 2025.
12th March - International Day of Ceramics!
Dear Ceramic Community,
We are pleased to announce that March 12, 2025, marks the first-ever International Day of Ceramics!
Contact us for any information: - We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.