The European Ceramic Society
The number of National Ceramic Associations represented in the EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY increased from the original nineteen founding members to twenty-seven in 2012 and 4 associate members in 2014.
Therefore, ECerS today represents one of the most distinguished group of experts, researchers, scientists, professors and entrepreneurs dealing in the different and the most innovative ceramic disciplines.
If you wish to join us, prior to submitting your application, you are kindly requested to read the Statutes of ECerS, in particular read Chapter II Article 7 and 8.
Membership categories
In accordance with the Statutes of our organization (for more details see art. 5), you can be:
- Full Member: if you are already registered in one of the National Ceramic Societies affiliated to ECerS and represented in our Council, you are automatically considered as a member of ECerS.
- Associated Member: if you represent any National, European or non European body active in the ceramic community, such as: University, Research Centre, Educational Organization, Agency for R&D, private Companies etc., and you want to join us, please fill in the membership form.
- Individual Member: if you do not belong to one of the categories mentioned here above, and you wish to join us please fill in the membership form.
ECerS Obligations:
- You must be at least 18 years of age to fill in the membership application form
- You are going to provide true, current and complete information about yourself or about the company that you will represent - if ECerS has reasonable grounds to consider false or inaccurate your data, ECerS has the right to invalidate your membership at any time
- You acknowledge that ECerS is a non-profit and non-governmental association, therefore you will never use your membership to gain any personal economic or political profits - if ECerS has reasonable grounds to consider your behaviour inappropriate and harmful, ECerS has the right to invalidate your membership at any time
- You agree not to use the ECerS membership to organize or to endorse any type of public events under its patronage, unless you have received a permission from the ECerS Council
- You are entitled to claim only the membership benefits that ECerS foresees for its members
- You accept to pay the annual membership fee and after two weeks you will receive your member code. ECerS will maintain valid your membership for one solar year.
- Benefits: Provided to all three categories membership (Full, Associated, Individual Members). When your application has been accepted, you are entitled to
- benefit from a reduced admission-fee at the bi-annual ECerS Conference and at any Topical Meetings.
- Fees: Everyone who joins us as Full, Associated or Individual Member, can participate actively in our activities by taking part in our Topical Networks or by co-operating with our Working Groups.
- By means of our e-newsletter, that you will receive via email, you will also be kept abreast of the main ceramic issues and important events worldwide.
- Full Member - the fee will be settled by the national ceramic society you belong to in compliance with the directives taken by the ECerS Council
- Associated Member - the fee is fixed by the ECerS Council after examining your request
- Individual Member - the fee is 50 euro per person and 30 euro for students
Now click here to fill in the Membership Form
Your request will be forwarded to the ECerS Permanent Executive Committee and then you will be provided with more information and with your personal entry code.
Latest news
Next Deadline to apply to the JECS Trust is 31st May 2025
Please note that the decisions of the JECS Trust board will not be known before end of July 2025. Activities submitted for the deadline of 31st May 2025 for support from the JECS Trust should then not begin before August 2025.
12th March - International Day of Ceramics!
Dear Ceramic Community,
We are pleased to announce that March 12, 2025, marks the first-ever International Day of Ceramics!
Contact us for any information: - We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.