The European Ceramic Society

Laboratory files

ECers is pleased to introduce officially its directory of laboratories working on Ceramics in Europe!

This directory is composed of more than 130 research teams, laboratories, technology centers and universities located in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain and the UK!

The ECerS directory is an essential ressource for the professionals from Ceramics Industry, Research Centers and Universities seeking to find quality laboratories in Europe to carry out research, testing or analysis in the field of Ceramics.

Through this tool, you will find a multitude of laboratories specialized in different aspects of ceramics, such as material characterization, prototype manufacturing, performance testing, technical consulting and much more.

Wheter you're a researcher, entrepreneur or student, this directory will help you find the European laboratory, partner or equipment best suited to your ceramics needs.

We hope you find this directory useful in your projects and wish you a lot of success in your search!


Your laboratory is on the list and needs to be updated? Please send us a mail at

You are member of ECerS through one of the National Ceramic Societies member of ECerS and your laboratory is not on the list? Please send us an email at and we will send you the form to fill in!

List of laboratory files

Last news

Jul 4, 2024
ACerS is offering travelling grants of 1.500 $ to attend the two 2024 ECerS Summer Schools

The grants can be allowed to undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. students from non-European based universities. The 2024 ECerS Summer Schools will be held prior to Electroceramics XIX (Vilnius, Lithuania - School: 17-18 August 2024)  and Shaping 9 (Warsaw, Poland - School: 24-25 September 2024)!

Jun 27, 2024
2024 ECerS International Ceramist Student Exchange Program – 3rd call!

In the frame of the 2024 ECerS International Student exchange program, ECerS is opening a third call, this time to allow grants to European Students to attend the 2024 Fall meeting of Korean Ceramic Society (COEX) that will be organised by the Korean Ceramic Society in Seoul, Korea, from 16th to 18th October 2024.


Contact us for any information: - We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.


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Our actions

ECerS coordinates and promotes the study of ceramics through the following actions :

ECerS office

Av. Gouverneur Cornez , 4

7000 Mons


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