The European Ceramic Society

2023 YCN Workshop in Aveiro

The 3rd YCN Workshop was held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, from 19th to 21st April 2023. This event was organised by The University of Aveiro and YCN with the financial support of the JECS Trust

This Workshop was open for young researchers (PhD + max 10 years), PhD students and master students that were invited to present their work in 10 minutes for Oral presentations (+ 5 minutes of questions and answer) and in 5 minutes for Poster presentations.

The YCN Workshop was a safe place to practise and get direct feedback.

The 3 invited speakers were YCN representatives : 

  • Theresa Davey from the School of Engineering at Tohoku University in Japan ;
  • Huyra Araujo from Federal Institute of Sao Paulo from Brasil; 
  • Michael Thuis from Northwestern University from USA.

Network activities were organised as well as a very animated Gala Dinner. 

There were 70 participants coming from 18 countries (Belgium, Brasil, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States). 11 participants attended the Workshop online.

20 JECS Trust travel grants of 250 € were allowed to students.

You can find the book of Abstracts here. 

Here is the result of the Oral and Poster Contest:


Thank you to all the participants !  


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