The European Ceramic Society

Laboratory sheet


Institut für Chemische Technologien und Analytik – Technische Universität Wien

Bridging the gap between chemistry, technology, analytics, and materials science.

Director : Prof. Martina Marchetti-Deschmann

Email :

Phone : +43 1 58801 15160

Address : Getreidemarkt 9/164, 1060 VIENNA

Website :

Research topics :

  • Solid State Ionics: Ionic transport in solids, defect thermodynamics and kinetics, fundamentals of electrochemical electrode kinetics, impedance spectroscopy

Contact: Prof. Jürgen FLEIG

Tel : +43 1 58801 15800


  • Electrochemical Energy Conversion: materials for solid oxide electrochemical cells, reaction kinetics of H2O and CO2 electrolysis on oxide electrodes, in-situ characterisation of surface chemistry on ceramic electrodes under electrochemical operation, (electro-)catalytic activity of mixed conducting oxide ceramics

Contact: Associate Prof. Dr. Alexander OPITZ

Tel : +43 1 58801 15860


  • Functional Ceramics: mixed ionic electronic conductors (O2-, Li+, …), thin films (in-situ growth & analysis), photoionics, structure-property relations, defects and strain, surfaces & interfaces

Contact: Assistant Prof. Dr. Markus KUBICEK

Tel : +43 1 58801 15821


  • Structural Ceramics and Ceramics Processing: novel processing approaches for dense and porous ceramics; processing and application of polymer-derived ceramics (including additive manufacturing); porous ceramics for energy-related and environmental applications

Contact: Associate Prof. Dr. Thomas KONEGGER

Tel : +43 1 58801 16161

Exceptional facilities :

  • Ceramics Processing and Characterization Laboratory (Hot Press, Hot-Isostatic Press, Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry, Gas permeability testing). Contact: Thomas Konegger: Tel. +43 1 58801 16161, Email:

  • Thin film preparation laboratory for fabrication of ceramic model systems (pulsed laser deposition with two deposition chambers and option for electrochemical in-situ characterization of film growth, RF and magnetron sputtering, photolithography, ion beam etching). Contact: Markus Kubicek: Tel. +43 (1) 58801 15821, Email

  • Electrochemical Laboratory (various setups for electrochemical characterization of micro- and macro electrodes as well as SOFC/SOEC button cells; for all setups flexible and modular equipment for gas supply and gas analysis; impedance analysers for ac and potentiostats for dc measurements). Contact: Alexander Opitz: Tel. +43 1 58801 15860, Email:

  • X-Ray Center of TU Wien (qualitative and quantitative phase analysis including in-situ methods, X-ray based stress and texture analysis, single-crystal structural analysis, elemental analysis). Contact: Klaudia Hradil: Tel. +43 1 58801 406620, Email:

  • Analytical Instrumentation Center of TU Wien (AFM, TOF-SIMS, XPS, UPS, AES, chemical trace analysis). Contact: Annette Foelske: Tel: +43 1 58801 406640, Email: 

Financial support programmes :

  • European fundings:  Horizon 2020
  • National fundings: Christian-Doppler-Gesellschaft, FFG (Produktion der Zukunft, Bridge), FWF


Last news

Jul 4, 2024
ACerS is offering travelling grants of 1.500 $ to attend the two 2024 ECerS Summer Schools

The grants can be allowed to undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. students from non-European based universities. The 2024 ECerS Summer Schools will be held prior to Electroceramics XIX (Vilnius, Lithuania - School: 17-18 August 2024)  and Shaping 9 (Warsaw, Poland - School: 24-25 September 2024)!

Jun 27, 2024
2024 ECerS International Ceramist Student Exchange Program – 3rd call!

In the frame of the 2024 ECerS International Student exchange program, ECerS is opening a third call, this time to allow grants to European Students to attend the 2024 Fall meeting of Korean Ceramic Society (COEX) that will be organised by the Korean Ceramic Society in Seoul, Korea, from 16th to 18th October 2024.


Contact us for any information: - We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.


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ECerS coordinates and promotes the study of ceramics through the following actions :

ECerS office

Av. Gouverneur Cornez , 4

7000 Mons


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