The European Ceramic Society

YCN representative - Turkey

Yiğithan Tufan

YCN representative for the Turkish Ceramic Society

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 06800, Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey


I am a PhD student in the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. I earned my B.S in 2017 (graduated as Summa Cum Laude and obtained my M.Sc. degree (Thesis Title: Development of Electrically Conductive Porous Silk Fibroin/Carbon Nanofiber Scaffolds) in 2020 from the same department. Currently, my research field is biomaterials, to improve my understanding on material-tissue interactions. Specifically, I am pursuing my Ph.D for the development of ceramic particle incorporated materials, nanocomposites for biomedical applications. Towards this goal, I am investigating the effect of carbon nanofibers (CNF) on the mechanical, electrical and biological properties of silk fibroin/CNF nanocomposites. In addition, I focus on the development of yttria stabilized zirconia/clay composites for dental applications. In brief, all these studies gave me the hands-on working experience with a variety of ceramic and ceramic nanoparticle incorporated biomaterials and provided a chance for the assessment of their biological and antibacterial properties. Undoubtedly, it is fulfilling to learn more about biomaterials and know that your research will someday contribute to human wellbeing.





Last news

Jul 4, 2024
ACerS is offering travelling grants of 1.500 $ to attend the two 2024 ECerS Summer Schools

The grants can be allowed to undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. students from non-European based universities. The 2024 ECerS Summer Schools will be held prior to Electroceramics XIX (Vilnius, Lithuania - School: 17-18 August 2024)  and Shaping 9 (Warsaw, Poland - School: 24-25 September 2024)!

Jun 27, 2024
2024 ECerS International Ceramist Student Exchange Program – 3rd call!

In the frame of the 2024 ECerS International Student exchange program, ECerS is opening a third call, this time to allow grants to European Students to attend the 2024 Fall meeting of Korean Ceramic Society (COEX) that will be organised by the Korean Ceramic Society in Seoul, Korea, from 16th to 18th October 2024.


Contact us for any information: - We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.


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Av. Gouverneur Cornez , 4

7000 Mons


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