The European Ceramic Society

Result of the research

Nov 5, 2021

Report on the 2022 ACerS Winter Workshop Call

The purpose of this grant awarded by ECerS with the financial support of the JECS Trust is to help European students to participate in the Winter Workshop organized by The American Ceramic Society from 21st to 23rd January 2022 at Hilton Daytona Beach - Oceanfront Resort Hotel in Daytona Beach, Florida (USA).

The ACerS Winter Workshop is designed for ceramic and glass students and young professionals from around the world. The workshop provides a combination of technical and professional development sessions, outstanding networking opportunities, and concludes with a tour of the Kennedy Space Center.

Registration to the Winter Workshop includes 5 nights at the Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort (shared housing), Kennedy Space Center Tour, and all activities of ICACC (through January 28)! 

The International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC) 2022 conference will take place from 23rd to 28th January also at Daytona Beach, Florida (USA). This international conference is focused on cutting-edge research and product developments in advanced ceramics, armor ceramics, solid oxide fuel cells, ceramic coatings, bioceramics, and more.


A Grant of 1.200 € is awarded to 19 selected students this year. Usually 15 grants are allowed but it was a real success this time with 54 applications received. 

Here are the applicants who will benefit of the grant:

  • Hamza BOUSSEBHA - Turkey

  • Andreja Žužić - Croatia

  • Wadih Yared - Germany

  • Oxel Urra Sanchez - Spain

  • Schlacher Josef - Austria

  • Marco Pelanconi - Italy

  • Petra Šimonová - Czech Republic

  • Eren ÖZMEN - France

  • Rowan Hedgecock - UK

  • Mia Kovač - Belgium

  • Mariana Silva - Portugal

  • Joe Pollard - UK

  • Iga Szpunar - Poland

  • Samir Salmanov - Slovenia

  • Maryam Azadeh - Germany

  • Anna Galotta - Italy

  • Isacco Mazo - Italy

  • Marina Ciurans Oset - Sweden

  • Anna Alfocea Roig - Spain


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Av. Gouverneur Cornez , 4

7000 Mons


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