The European Ceramic Society
ACerS ECerS - January 2023 Winter Workshop Grant
In the framework of the ECerS International Ceramist Student Exchange Program ECerS presents the January 2023 Winter Workshop Grant.
The purpose of this grant awarded by ECerS with the financial support of the JECS Trust is to help European students to participate in the Winter Workshop organized by The American Ceramic Society and The Ceramic and Glass Industry Foundation from 20th to 22nd January 2023 at Hilton Daytona Beach - Oceanfront Resort Hotel in Daytona Beach, Florida (USA).
Winter Workshop is designed for ceramic and glass students and young professionals from around the world. The workshop provides a combination of technical and professional development sessions plus outstanding networking opportunities. Optionally, students can take a group tour of the Kennedy Space Center in Merritt Island, Florida on Sunday.
Registration to the Winter Workshop costs $295 and includes: Friday night Winter Workshop welcome reception - Registration to the Winter Workshop lecture series on Saturday, featuring a combination of technical and professional development sessions PLUS a two-hour writing workshop to prepare students for the job market - Saturday meals, including breakfast, lunch, and coffee break - Saturday night social and networking event hosted by the PCSA - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights at the Hilton Daytona Beach Oceanfront Resort (shared housing). Registration to the group tour of the Kennedy Space Center costs $75 – more information available here:
The International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC) 2023 conference will take place from 22nd to 27th January also at Daytona Beach, Florida (USA). This international conference is focused on cutting-edge research and product developments in advanced ceramics, armor ceramics, solid oxide fuel cells, ceramic coatings, bioceramics, and more.
A Grant of 1.200 € will be awarded to the 15 selected students. 50% of the support will be paid to the students before the travel and the remaining 50% will be paid after receipt of the proof of attendance given by The American Ceramic Society.
The candidate to benefit from this support must be registered as a PhD student in a European Laboratory located in a member national ceramic society and should be personally a member of the society (priority – if the student is not a member, his/her supervisor must be a member). He/she will submit an application including a brief description of the thesis work and the reasons why he or she wishes to participate in the Winter Workshop (i.e. relationship with the thesis work). Up to 15 grants could be awarded. In the case where too many candidatures are received compared with the allowed budget, the ECerS selection committee will give priority to students whose theses are most closely related to the topics of the Winter Workshop. Both PhD students and post‐docs are eligible but a priority will be given to PhD.
The PhD student/Post‐Doc will make a commitment to submit at least 1 paper on his/her presentsubject to Open Ceramics,
the open access journal of ECerS.
List of requested documents :
- Copy of student card
- Proof of registration as member of the national ceramic society
- Application forms:
Description of thesis work (1 page),
Justification of the attendance to the Winter Workshop (1/2 page).
All these documents have to be sent by email to the ECerS secretariat ( by 30th September 2022.
You can download the document here.
Deadline to apply is 30th September 2022.
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Contact us for any information: - We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.