The European Ceramic Society


Feb 27, 2023

YCN Newsletter 16 : Workshop in Aveiro, Portugal

Exciting news for everyone! After a challenging period of virtual interactions, we are thrilled to announce that the Young Chemists Network (YCN) is bringing back the thrill of in-person workshops!

With successful workshops held in Smolenice, Slovakia in 2018 and online in 2021, we are now ready to take the next step and gather for our 3rd workshop in the charming city of Aveiro, Portugal on April 19-21, 2023.

But that's not all - we are cooking up some exciting activities that will keep you engaged and entertained throughout the workshop. Get ready for an unforgettable experience filled with competitions and games, including a contest for the best oral and poster presentations, just like in the last two workshops!

To get a taste of the YCN workshop experience, have a look at our previous events: Workshop in Smolenice in 2018 and online YCN Student Pitch Contest "Pitch me your idea" in 2021. We cannot wait to see you in Aveiro, Portugal for another fantastic event! Stay tuned for more information and details on the workshop.


Read all the information about the Workshop here.

Last news

Jul 4, 2024
ACerS is offering travelling grants of 1.500 $ to attend the two 2024 ECerS Summer Schools

The grants can be allowed to undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. students from non-European based universities. The 2024 ECerS Summer Schools will be held prior to Electroceramics XIX (Vilnius, Lithuania - School: 17-18 August 2024)  and Shaping 9 (Warsaw, Poland - School: 24-25 September 2024)!

Jun 27, 2024
2024 ECerS International Ceramist Student Exchange Program – 3rd call!

In the frame of the 2024 ECerS International Student exchange program, ECerS is opening a third call, this time to allow grants to European Students to attend the 2024 Fall meeting of Korean Ceramic Society (COEX) that will be organised by the Korean Ceramic Society in Seoul, Korea, from 16th to 18th October 2024.


Contact us for any information: - We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.


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ECerS coordinates and promotes the study of ceramics through the following actions :

ECerS office

Av. Gouverneur Cornez , 4

7000 Mons


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