The European Ceramic Society
Jan 2, 2020
Letter from our new YCN Committee Member, Antonia Ressler, Croatia
Dear Young Ceramists Network members, Firstly, I would like to thank you all for joining Young Ceramists Network and making it the platform for all of us to stay in touch and share opportunities and events.

In June, the XVI ECerS Conference was held in Torino and as a part of the conference, student social event was organized by the YCN committee members. The invited speaker, Professor Raul Bermejo, gave us a talk about his successful career through talking about all the failure that he has had. He got rejected several times for the grants that he was applying for and he never gave up. Inspired by his talk, I finally decided to apply again for the YCN committee member position. I received the positive feedback during the Workshop for Young Researchers in Ceramics and Glasses for Medical Applications organized by our committee member Dr. Maria Canillas Perez.
Joining the YCN, I became more informed about the events and grants for young researchers in the field of ceramics. However, in my opinion the best thing about the YCN is an opportunity to make new friends all over the world and open the doors for possible collaborations between us in the future.
Sincerely yours,
Antonia Ressler
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Be in touch with good friends, be the first to hear about job opportunities and grants in ceramics, joint to the best events in the fields and advise your research!
YCN Ceramic Social Club:
Latest news
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YCN Newsletter 25 - Open call for a new YCN Committee Member
To apply for this exciting opportunity, please submit a one-page A4 motivation letter along with your CV via email to
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Contact us for any information: - We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.