The European Ceramic Society
YCN Newsletter 23 - Shaping 9 Conference - Short Report from Joanna Tanska
The 9th Shaping Conference, organized jointly by the European Ceramic Society, the Polish Ceramic Society, and the Warsaw University of Technology, took place from September 25th to 27th, 2024, in Warsaw, Poland. It was a great honour and privilege to host such a distinguished group of professionals, researchers, and students from 27 countries, all passionate about shaping ceramic materials.
Before the Conference, a Summer School entitled "How to shape ceramic ideas into real products - laboratory excellence versus industrial needs" was held on September 24th and 25th and it focused on ceramics processing. The program aimed to enrich the knowledge of the participants, widening their perspectives on selected topics related to ceramic shaping processes, and allowing them to expand their network by getting in contact with experts in the related fields.
Both Summer School and Conference welcomed in total 141 participants from 27 countries (Poland, Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, Austria, China, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Japan, India, Korea, Slovakia, Brazil, Denmark, USA, Algeria, Argentina, Finland, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia and Turkey). Shaping 9 Conference brought together people from all around the world to explore the latest trends and advancements in ceramics shaping. The program of the Conference was composed of 2 plenary and 9 keynote talks, 81 oral presentations and 28 posters. Plenary lectures by well-known scientists in their respective fields delivered up-to-date insights into selected aspects of shaping ceramic materials. The Shaping 9 Conference was supported by JECS Trust and sponsored by GeniCore, Ceramika Paradyz, Lithoz, SmartFluid, American Elements, as well as the Warsaw University of Technology and Research University Excellence Initiative Program.
The main topics covered by the Shaping 9 Conference were:
Additive manufacturing,
Colloidal processing,
Industrial and ecological aspects of ceramics shaping,
Innovative shaping processes,
Powder processing,
Subsequent processing.
During Summer School, the Graphical Abstract Students Contest (GASC) took place, in which participants had to summarize their research and present it in the form of a graphical abstract, similar to those currently required for many scientific journals. The competition was sponsored by the JECS Trust, and after careful evaluation by the international jury, the best GASC awards were given to:
1st prize: Tobias Protsch (Austria)
2nd prize: Shuhang Liu (China)
3rd prize: Abdullah Jabr (Austria).
Also, the International Polish Ceramic Society Awards were given to:
Rodrigo Moreno (Spain) - award in recognition of his contribution to the advancement of the colloidal processing of ceramics
Martin Trunec (Czech Republic) - award in recognition of his contribution to the understanding and development of high-performance ceramic materials
David Salamon (Czech Republic) - award in recognition of his contribution to the understanding and development of additive manufacturing.
During the Shaping 9 Conference, the participants had the possibility to take part in two extra trips:
the trip to GeniCore Company which gave us the opportunity to get acquainted with the offer of GeniCore, visit their laboratories and see the live demonstration of U-FAST (SPS) sintering machines,
the trip around Warsaw University of Technology, during which we had a chance to visit the WUT Main Building and see the laboratories of the Faculty of Chemistry.
Coffee breaks were a great chance for participants to engage in discussions that went beyond the formal sessions. Welcome Reception at the Faculty of Physics Aula and Gala Dinner in Ale Gloria Restaurant also provided great moments for networking and socializing. Seeing attendees exchange ideas, offer feedback, and find common ground was one of the most rewarding aspects for us as organizers. We hope that these networking opportunities helped to make new collaborations and partnerships that will continue long after the conference has ended.
We cordially invite the participants of the Shaping 9 Conference to submit research and review articles in the Open Ceramics ECerS Journal (IF = 2.9) in the Special Issue entitled "Shaping the future of ceramics - recent trends, progress and perspectives in manufacturing of ceramic materials". The deadline for manuscripts submission is August 31st, 2025. More information is available here:
The 9th Shaping Conference was a remarkable experience for all of us, and we're thankful for the enthusiasm, expertise, and community spirit you all brought to Warsaw. Thank you again for being a part of this amazing event, and we look forward to seeing you at the next Shaping Conferences, where we'll continue to grow and shape the future of ceramics together!
You can find more photos and videos from Shaping 9 on our Instagram.
Joanna Tanska, PhD Student
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Chemical Technology
Advanced Ceramics Group
LinkedIn -
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