The European Ceramic Society


Feb 20, 2025

YCN Newsletter 25 - International Day of Girls and Women in Science

Women in Science: A Legacy of Resilience and Innovation

Throughout history, women in science have faced numerous challenges, yet their contributions have shaped the world as we know it. From Marie Curie, the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize, to Mileva Marić Einstein, a brilliant physicist whose role in early theories of relativity is still discussed, women have continually pushed the boundaries of knowledge despite societal obstacles.

The field of materials science, including ceramics, is no exception. While historically male-dominated, it has seen an increasing presence of women making groundbreaking advancements. Pioneers such as Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, who revealed the structure of penicillin and vitamin B12 using X-ray crystallography, paved the way for modern materials research. Today, female scientists play a crucial role in developing innovative ceramic materials for applications ranging from electronics to sustainable energy solutions.

Recognizing and celebrating the achievements of women in science is essential for inspiring the next generation. By highlighting their successes, we reinforce the importance of diversity in research and innovation. On this International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we honor the past, acknowledge the present, and look forward to a future where opportunities in science are truly equal for all.

On this special occasion, we are honored to share the voices of remarkable women in science—leaders, mentors, and innovators who continue to break barriers and inspire future generations. Through their words, they remind us of the power of perseverance, the importance of collaboration, and the need to challenge stereotypes that still persist. Their insights offer motivation, encouragement, and a call to action for all of us striving for a more inclusive and diverse scientific community.

 ''I am glad that more and more women are contributing to this field . Now is the time to recognize women’s contributions in ceramic research and innovation, smash stereotypes and defeat discrimination against women and girls in science.

We can do it together, giving it our all! Teamwork and collaboration are our powerful forces.''

Katalin Balazsi,

Head of Thin Film Physics Department, HUN-REN Centre for Energy Research, Hungary

Fellow of the European Ceramic Society

Fellow of the American Ceramic Society

Academician of the World Academy of Ceramics

President of the Association of the Hungarian Women in Science

Awardee of the Nature Award for Inspiring Women in Science


"Believe in your potential and never underestimate the power of perseverance. Every challenge you face is an opportunity to grow and make a difference in science."

Antonia Ressler

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Materials Science and Environmental Engineering

Tampere University, Finland

 Former YCN Committee member

 "Strong like a ceramic, tough like a metal. Just women can be both."


Laura Silvestroni

 PhD, Structural and Functional Ceramics, CNR - ISSMC Institute of Science, Technology and Sustainability for Ceramics,  Faenza Italy


 "11th February is the international day dedicated to Girls and Women in Science. A special occasion to recognize and promote the work of women and, especially to discuss about motivation of young female researchers and girls in schools. Mentoring of senior women with young female researchers and technicians is a very important tool that implicates a close contact and double interaction where all learn from all.

Indeed, young female researchers and technicians can know and understand the different conditions when mentors entered in centers and companies, looking how we have advanced (or not) to face the challenges of equality and diversity.

On the other side, senior researchers will come closer of new generations, with new attitudes and aptitudes, new and strong tools that can open new frontiers to women participation and arrival to decision making positions. Every days should be 11th February but we celebrate it at least one day per year!!’’


Alicia Duran

Alicia Durán

Research Professor CSIC

Chair of the UN International Year of Glass 2022

Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio, Madrid, SPAIN

 "Let’s go for it girls and leave your doubts behind you! 


Did you know  that although women make up the majority of the surgical residents in  gynecology and obstectrics in France, the majority of professor positions are occupied by men How can this be?

A female gynecologist in training sent out a national  survey to all  residents in gynecology and obstectrics, male and female . The survey clearly showed that unlike men, women doubt. They doubt they have the intellectual level to be a professor, they doubt that they could find a work/life balance, they doubt that they could compete… 

Men on the other hand (independently of their intellectual level) do not doubt. 


Women, we can do this! You may not feel you have the qualifications for a certain position however look at who else is applying and this will reassure you that you can and should go for it! 

Women no longer need to act and dress like men to be in leadership positions (this is what women had to do > 30 years ago). Read the literature and focus on your qualities't+have&oq=harvard+business+review+women+have+management+qualities+that+men+don't+have&aqs=chrome..69i57.19371

Let’s go for it girls and leave your doubts behind you! 

Julie Kerr-Conte, PhD

Professor of cell therapy/ cell biology

University of Lille,

Faculty of Medicine France

We sincerely thank these incredible scientists for sharing their thoughts and experiences with us. Their words serve as a reminder of the strength, perseverance, and passion that drive scientific discovery. We hope that each of us finds motivation and inspiration in their messages, continuing to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation in ceramics and beyond.

Dana new photo

Danica Piper

YCN Committee member

University of Novi Sad · Department of Materials Engineering

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Feb 20, 2025
YCN Newsletter 25 - International Day of Girls and Women in Science

Women in Science: A Legacy of Resilience and Innovation

Throughout history, women in science have faced numerous challenges, yet their contributions have shaped the world as we know it. From Marie Curie, the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize, to Mileva Marić Einstein, a brilliant physicist whose role in early theories of relativity is still discussed, women have continually pushed the boundaries of knowledge despite societal obstacles.

Feb 20, 2025


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