The European Ceramic Society
YCN representatives
The YCN Committee selected one YCN representative per country in order to grow the YCN community.
They represent the Young Ceramists Network at ceramic/materials events organised in their countries, asking for a slot to present the YCN in these national events if nobody of the YCN Committee is attending the event.
There are several benefits associated with becoming a YCN Representative:
- You will gain visibility in national and international ceramic community;
- The most active YCN Representative will receive funding to come to the next ECerS conference;
- We are able to provide technical support in case you want to organize a YCN event, such as a workshop (online/in person) or webinar (online);
- We are able to help you with JECS Trust application for funding of a workshop or similar type of event;
- You will be able to directly provide input on our activities and will be the first to know about (and test) some of our projects that we plan to launch.
There are also responsibilities:
- This is a position for 2 years (until the following ECerS conference);
- You are expected to be active in the YCN and your local ceramic community and spread the word about YCN;
- Share news from your community in the YCN Social Media groups and vice versa;
- You will need to join our quarterly meetings, which take place around 14–16 CET to cover most of the timezones (date and time of the following meeting is always announced during the meeting, i.e. 2–3 months ahead).
If there is nobody representing your country and if you are interested to be more involved in the Ceramic community, don't hesitate to contact us via this email address :
Check the list of the new appointed 2024 - 2025 YCN representatives here!
Check the list of the previous 2022-2023 YCN representatives here!
Latest news
Report on the Shaping 9 Conference and Summer School
The 2024 edition of the Shaping 9 Conference and Summer School was organized by ECerS and the Polish Ceramic Society at the Warsaw University of Technology in Poland, from 25th to 27th September 2024.
Report on the Electroceramics XIX Conference and Summer School
The 2024 edition of the Electroceramics XIX Conference and Summer School was organized by ECerS and the Vilnius University in Vilnius, Lithuania, from 19th to 22nd August 2024.
Contact us for any information: - We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.